Pro Shop EventsYellow Golf Clubs icon

The Mount Pro Shop runs different competitions throughout the week. Below is an overview of those competitons.

Weekly Events:

Monday: Pro’s Twos

Tuesday: Pro’s Twos

Wednesday: Pros Combo (Nearest to the Pin and Hidden Hole)

Thursday: Pro’s Twos

Friday: Pro’s Twos

Saturday: Pros Haggle (Stableford/Net and Best Gross); Pros Combo (Twos, Nearest to the Pin and Hidden Hole)

Sunday: Pro’s Twos

Other Events:

Our 10th consecutive Mount Golf Shop Pro Day on will be held on 27 August.

There will be amazing prizes and a super fun format.

This two-person Ambrose will include all the fun events of the past:

 Beat the Pro's, include two divisions and will be over $6,000 in prizes 



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