Junior Golf Yellow Golf Clubs icon


We are the most active club in Junior golf in the Mount area and have a fantastic development pathway to help both juniors and parents progress, and develop their golf game.

Golf is a fantastic game for all ages, which also provides you with many different life skills along the way


Junior Coaching

The Junior Coaching for term 1 will start the week of Monday 12 February, 2024 and the following sessions will be available to book into;

Tuesdays – 3.30pm – 4.30pm with Mark Brown & Jimmy Napier. This is for players who have been in the programme more than 1 year but do not have a handicap. (max 24 spots available).

Thursdays – 3.30pm – 4.30pm with Mark Brown & Jimmy Napier. This is for players who have a handicap or very close to having a handicap. (max 24 spots available)

Fridays – 3.30pm – 4.30pm with Mark Brown and Jimmy Napier. This is for brand new juniors. This group will be split into age groups under 7’s and over 7’s (max 12 spots available in each age group). 


The cost to participate in the coaching is $75.00 for Mount Golf Junior members and $105.00 for non-members per term. There is a 10% discount for families with more than one child enrolled in the junior coaching programme

Please click here to register for the term four junior coaching. Once you have registered you will receive an invoice from the club.

If you have any questions about the changes or what session you or your child should book in for, please contact Jimmy (0276686847) or Mark (0210381462).


Playing Golf

Juniors can play on the course at specific times during the week. These times are after 3:30pm/4pm daily, and there are also times reserved for juniors on a Sunday (either AM or PM).

A new purple course has been designed and developed by the junior committee, which is targeted at juniors and is essentially a short course to make golf more realistic and rewarding for them.



Following are some of the competitions held throughout the year

- Future Summer Series – Sept, Oct, Nov, Feb, Mar, Apr
- Mount Junior Open – November
- Generation Foursomes – December
- Junior Club Championships – Feb - March



Our Junior membership rate is $180.00 for the 2024/2025 golfing year which begins runs from the 1st October through to the 30th September.

We also offer a junior guardian membership which is $280.00 per golfing year (includes both the junior and guardian membership).

For more information about these memberships, please visit https://www.mountgolf.co.nz/golf/membership-options